FACES OF CEBU: Grace Morejon, Cum Laude, VicSal Scholar

FACES OF CEBU: Grace Morejon, Cum Laude, VicSal Scholar

Grace Morejon, a scholar of VicSal Foundation Inc, graduated Cum Laude from USC. She now works as a junior accountant in a private equity firm. | CDN Photo by Morexette Marie Erram

CEBU CITY, Philippines – Like most graduating high school students back then, Grace Morejon faced the dilemma of what career to pursue and ultimately, what college degree she would be chasing.

While on her way home one day, Grace, now 22, thought of being a civil engineer. Her father, who worked in construction before, taught her basic carpentry skills when she was little.

“It was really fascinating, learning how to build something. That’s why I considered taking up civil engineering,” Grace recalls in Cebuano.

But her thoughts at that time were interrupted when a private vehicle passed right in front of her bearing the license plate number that started with the letters ABM.

Grace couldn’t help but laugh at the sudden shift in her life at that moment. 

“I also enjoyed studying and doing management-related tasks. So when that car passed by, and then the letters ABM appeared right in front of me, I asked myself – why not take ABM?” she said.

ABM stands for Accounting Business Management, a four-year college degree being offered by most private universities here in Cebu. 

“It was a funny thing how I ended up taking up ABM – all because of a car that passed by while I was walking home,” Grace added. 

Fast forward four years, Grace now is a degree holder in Accounting Management and an alumna of the University of San Carlos (USC).

She was also among the 14 graduate-scholars who were invited to VicSal Foundation Inc.’s first in-person graduation party since the pandemic. 

ViSal Foundation Inc., the charity arm of the Metro Retail Group, provides full scholarships to underprivileged but deserving college students in Cebu. 

Remembering the exact moment when she learned she got a scholarship to take up ABM at USC, Grace said she was completely overjoyed.

“When I delivered the news to my family, we were ecstatic. And we couldn’t help but cry. You know that feeling when happiness just washes down upon you? That’s how I felt,” Grace said. 

As a scholar, Grace learned several things that proved helpful in all aspects of life, especially when the crisis spawned by the COVID-19 pandemic and Typhoon Odette forced students like Grace to adjust and adapt to changes around them. 

These included finding a balance between academics and personal life, the importance of setting boundaries, and when to call for help. 

“Adjusting was hard and difficult. We had to adjust for the K to 12 and then the pandemic and Typhoon Odette came,” Grace described. 

When their university announced the suspension of face-to-face classes, Grace and her schoolmates had to find other ways to supplement their lessons.

“We became resourceful, and had each other’s back to get through and to get a better understanding at the things we were taught,” she said. 

After Typhoon Odette ravaged Cebu in December 2021, their resourcefulness was once again tested. 

But if there’s one thing Grace learned through her years as a college student, as well as a scholar, it’s that running away from challenges will get her nothing.

“Don’t run away from challenges because it helps you grow and don’t think that your downs of today, will also be the same downs of tomorrow. There are different circumstances we have to deal and you may realize that the failures will only help you for tomorrow,” she said.

At the end of the day, Grace emerged victorious. She graduated with a cum laude distinction in 2022 and had the chance to meet her co-scholars for another time before they will be taking their own paths.

She also landed a job as Junior Accountant in a private equity firm immediately after graduating.

For Grace, she is currently setting her sights on getting a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensure. But that’s another chapter in the works, she said. 

“To future scholars out there, don’t be shy approaching your ates and kuyas because we were once in your shoes. Enjoy the ride. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself,” said Grace. 



FACES OF CEBU: Ariel Casimero Grijaldo Jr., 25, viral energizer teacher

FACES OF CEBU: Roland Remolino, 57, national triathlon coach

The post FACES OF CEBU: Grace Morejon, Cum Laude, VicSal Scholar appeared first on Cebu Daily News.

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