Christ the King, my King!

The story is told about a flight attendant who announced that there were only 40 dinner packs for the 140 passengers on board that evening flight. There was much grumbling and complaining, and even threats of lawsuits. But then came the announcement that they can choose dinner, or unlimited alcoholic drinks during the flight. The grumbling died down, and 90 minutes into the flight, guess what? Five opted for dinner, and the rest were having the flight of their life!


Today is the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus, King of the Universe. In humility, we pledge our allegiance to Him, we who often have changed our decision to follow Him and be faithful to Him. Indeed, how many times have we turned our backs on Him who loves us so much, and who continuously calls us to live a life filled with love and meaning? Mea culpa, my bad, O Christ my Lord and King! Forgive us for the times we forego what is of substance, and go for fleeting, worldly pleasure and fun.


In today’s Gospel (Luke 23:35-43), we hear the story of the two thieves who were crucified together with Jesus. One was proud and unrepentant until the very end, while the other was humble and remorseful. We are all thieves, but we have a choice to abandon Christ our King, or to stay on with Him no matter what, until the very end.


“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” I pray that I will be able to say these words when I leave this world, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” I humbly pray that I will hear these words from Christ the King when I come to my life’s end.


“You wasted it!” We hope we will not hear these words from Christ our King when we finally come face to face with Him. May we not be filled with so much sadness and regret then that we wasted our time, talents, and treasures on ourselves, and we forgot to serve our King and His people.


Payback time! When, oh, when will we realize that all the time, talents, and treasures we have were not meant for us and for our keeping, but for the service of Christ our King?


We have a choice in life. I have chosen to serve Someone greater than myself, to listen more to Him and less to my own understanding, to follow Him and not my own plans, and to carry His vision and mission for me. With no thought that I am better or holier than others, I have made this humble choice, deeply aware of my unworthiness, and deeply grateful for the chance to be at the service of Christ, my Lord and King. Yes, I have taken the risk and continue to try to risk it all for Christ, my Lord and King.


Please remember, God uses not so much the worthy instrument as the willing instrument. Sign up anytime! God sees not your past, but your heart. This moment, now, just pray: “Christ, you are my king. Use me. Mold me. Humble me. The rest of my life, the best of my life to serve you, O Christ, my Lord and King.”


Don’t make any creature your God, including yourself. Unless there is someone greater than yourself or your loved ones, you may end up living a life that is selfish, vain, and empty. And don’t make any leader your king or queen. No leader is worth dying for, except Christ, our Leader and King.


Think about this: You make a difference if you don’t make yourself your first preference.


A moment with our Lord:Lord, Christ, you are our Lord and King now, and till the end. Amen. 


The post Christ the King, my King! appeared first on Cebu Daily News.

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