Attitude not altitude

It is interesting how we Filipinos call the warts removal procedure “tiis ganda,” i.e. to endure the pain, to become beautiful.

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In today’s Gospel (Matthew 5:1-12), Jesus teaches us the beatitudes, the attitudes we need to be truly beautiful within and to remove our ugly warts inside us. It is the way of the cross, the way of pain, suffering, sacrifice, and hiddenness that lead us to true and lasting peace and joy.

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It is very symbolic that the Gospel today starts with, “When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up the mountain.” We can understand the beatitude only if we leave the “crowd” and go up our “mountain” to commune with God. We will not be overwhelmed by the negativities and tensions in the “valley of tears” if we know how to seek peace and meaning with God, in prayer.


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Years ago, there was this song “Downtown” which says: “When you’re alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go downtown.” To go “downtown” is to seek consolation or distraction from our worldly cares, but it is all shallow, fleeting, and temporary. What is your “downtown”? Money? Pleasure? Social media? Worldly noise and chatter? Try going “uptown.” Try hiddenness, nature, silence, prayer, and you’ll find that peace that this world cannot give or take away.

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Avoid “downtown” conversations, low-quality conversations, empty talks, rumors, boasting, and endless debates on who is right or wrong. Try to go for “uptown” conversation that gives hope, meaning, consolation, and affirmation. May we have more “uptown” people who know how to listen, and who know how to respect, understand, and have compassion. Level up!

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As it were, the way of the beatitudes is the “alternate route” in our journey through life. It is not the fast lane, but we’ll get there anyway with less stress. It’s not Skyway, but it will lead us beyond the sky someday. We have a choice, we can choose the way of the world so full of masters (and monsters), or we can choose the way of the beatitudes with our Lord and Master.

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Sharing with you my simple reflection in 1980 on how to live life in the spirit of the beatitudes entitled “A Memento As You Go Through Life”: “There are many beautiful things deep inside you that this world will never understand, nor give time, nor care to listen to … but hold on to your peace, that peace which ‘the world cannot give nor take away,’ that peace so secure, that you can ‘speak your truth quietly and clearly.’ Go through life seeking ‘not so much to be understood as to understand,’ seeking neither fortune nor fame, illusions as they are not solutions. LOVE, is that’s all there is. Keep working on love! Remember, you are worth not for what you have, but for what you are, but even more so, for what others have become because of you. Love is your only secure achievement through the years. In this thick of the grindsparks and the flashbulbs, don’t miss the candleglow. GOD LOVES YOU! Christ is all that matters, and Christ is always with you. Courage! You are ‘far more important than a sparrow’ … you are loved more than you know! Be brave. Life could sometimes be tough, and people mean and uncaring, but always, there will be friends … every person is a potential friend … you are your own best friend … and you have a sure Friend in Him. Amidst the many trials, difficulties, and onslaughts of life, SMILE, don’t cry, for the truth is, ‘the world was never meant for one as beautiful as you!’ Be grateful always.”

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A moment with the Lord: Lord, reminds us that it is not so much altitude but attitude that defines us. Amen.

The post Attitude not altitude appeared first on Cebu Daily News.

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