Searching for God

Someone commented that if instead of the three wise men, we had three wise women, then they would have asked for directions, they would have arrived on time to help deliver the baby Jesus, they would have cleaned the stable, and they would have brought practical gifts!


Today is the Solemnity of Epiphany. Jesus was revealed to the gentiles as the Savior and the Lord of all mankind. We rejoice in the great news that God has a beautiful plan for all of us, and that this plan is not only for a limited few, but for all men and women of goodwill, and for all nations.


When you think of God, always think of God as not exclusive, but inclusive. All in! All welcome! That’s what God wants. That’s who God is. May we not limit God’s love to ourselves, to our own beliefs, to our own “circle.” God is the God of all, and of everyone!


The Magi searched for the newborn King. They honored Him with their gifts when they found Him. They obeyed to not return to their old way, and they followed God’s will. Magi we are not, but our life must be a constant search, homage, and obedience to our God. Please don’t forget that our most important journey in this life is our journey to God’s heart.


What or who are you searching for? What or who do you honor in this life? Whom do you obey or follow? Don’t stop searching for God. Don’t stop being good. Don’t stop giving and sharing. Go beyond your comfort zone. Go the “extra mile.” Give the “extra smile,” and you find God.


The problem with us is that we are not really consciously and diligently searching for God. Many of us are just “looking around” or just scrolling down hastily for the presence of God. Why? Maybe because, for now, He is not a top priority nor a first commodity on our list. I hope that we will not regret later on that we loved Him too little, too late.


How many minutes or hours do we spend looking for a good bargain, a good investment, or a good deal? How passionate we are when we search for worldly and materialistic things, and how lazy or disinterested we are when it comes to spiritual things!


For those who are searching for good health, remember that more than food or vitamins or the medicine you take, good health comes in the heart and the peace of the soul. “Live well, love much, and laugh often!”


For those who are searching for joy and happiness, remember that the more you give, the more you receive joy and happiness. Someone said it once: Takers may have more in their hands, but givers have more in their hearts.


For those who are searching for God, remember that more than you, it is God Himself who is searching for you. Just allow yourself to be found by Him, to be embraced by Him. “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46, 10) This moment now pray: Lord, I am here! I need you. I want to know you more and love you more. Bless me. Embrace me, Oh God! My prayer for all of us is that we journey close to God’s heart this year. May we follow Him more closely, love Him more dearly, and embrace Him more tightly as we journey through 2023.


Think and pray about this: “Do not fear because I am with you; do not be afraid for I am your God; I will strengthen you and surely help you; I will hold you with my righteous strong hand.” (Isaiah 41, 10)


A moment with the Lord: Lord, help me to seek you more sincerely and diligently every day. Amen.


The post Searching for God appeared first on Cebu Daily News.

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