What each zodiac sign has in store for you this love season 

CEBU CITY, Philippines— Valentine’s Day is just a few steps away and CDN Digital wants to gear you up with some guidance for each of the zodiac signs. 

Here is what each zodiac sign can expect from the readings of Ellen Paola, tarot card reader who is also practicing Vedic astrology. 


Ruled by the planet Mars. Element: Fire

Aries natives are ambitious energetic go-getters, they know what they want and they will do just about anything to get it, even when they have to step on some toes to reach their personal achievements. They are innovative pioneers and make sure they go all the way from start to finish. If you are in love with an Aries, inspire, encourage and motivate them to keep pursuing their dreams and interests. When you ignite the passion that burns within them more, they will share that passion with you in your romantic life.

Main love language: Words of affirmation and Physical Touch


Ruled by the planet Venus. Element: Earth

Taurus natives are very worldly people. They indulge in the pleasures of life, and are quite materialistic in nature— they love to hoard and collect things. They love to eat too! Music, art and beauty and romance are what inspire them. The comfort and security of the home they have built for themselves and their loved ones are what makes them feel connected to life. If you are in love with a Taurus, learn and apply more of your actions according to the domestic life. Be aware of the little things they mention to you because those are the big things to them. Gift them with food, art or write them a song.

Main love language: Gift giving, Acts of service


Ruled by the planet Mercury. Element: Air

Gemini natives pride themselves with having a keen ability to initiate intellectual and logical conversations. Being very curious about life yet strung along with their airy and flighty nature, they tend to fall into situations that get them into trouble. Their charming nature is revealed through being the sign with having the most friends in the Zodiac. If you are in love with a Gemini, be a friend first and ask them questions that would stimulate their rational, cerebral intellect.

Main love language: Acts of service, Physical touch



Ruled by the Moon. Element: Water

Cancer natives carry the “Mother” archetype of the Zodiac— undeniably protective and innately nurturing. Filled with sentiment, they inherently use their emotions in making decisions. May become too moody and passive, they have a tendency to weaponize their emotions towards others. They value their home life and make sure everything is plastered in a way that is loving and safe for their loved ones, these natives are often introverts. If you are in love with a Cancer, get to know their sensitive side and be mindful, connected and attentive with them especially when it comes to how they are feeling. Indulge in home-life with them.

Main love language: Quality time, Words of affirmation


Ruled by the Sun. Element: Fire

Leo natives are the theatrical dramatists of the bunch— expressive to the core and creative in movement. They are brave and courageous in their dealings with others and would do absolutely anything to protect the people they love. Some may love being the talk of the town, and tend to be self-indulgent and crave the spotlight. Empowered with loyalty and integrity, they make the most passionate of lovers. If you are in love with a Leo, be the most affectionate you can be especially in public display of this affection and show them they can fully trust you with their heart through intentional-loving action.

Main love language: Physical touch, Quality time


Ruled by the planet Mercury. Element: Earth

Virgo natives are the original influencers and ambassadors. They represent honest and authentic aesthetic due to their sophisticated and detail-oriented nature. These natives value all that is authentic, organic and healthy and make sure people are aware of it. Very likely to be overtly analytical and obsessive, often they fall prey under perfectionism and having manipulative behavior. Modest and humble, they show up as the nicest people you’ve ever met. If you are in love with a Virgo, all you have to do is show up as your most authentic self, be genuine and open from the very beginning.

Main love language: Quality time, Words of affirmation


Ruled by the planet Venus. Element: Air

Libra natives strive for balance in their lives and harmony within their relationships. They carry natural elegance and exquisite taste, these natives are usually effortlessly attractive. Constantly minding what’s best for others first, they tend to be gullible, indecisive and passive-aggressive which brings confusion to the people that surround them. The hopeless romantics of the Zodiac, they search for love everywhere they go. If you are in love with a Libra, take the initiative when planning activities together and have an active part in their decision-making.

Main love language: Quality time, Gift giving


Ruled by the planet Mars. Element: Water

Scorpio natives embody powerful and intense characteristics. They carry a natural dominance and possess seriousness and depth that not all people are able to dive into. They appear extremely reserved and are intently private in nature. Only prefer to have it their way, these natives are stubborn to the core and possessive, often obsessive with their chosen people. Mostly misunderstood due to their intimidating image, they are actually one of the most kind-loving people. If you are in love with a Scorpio, share your darkest secrets and deepest feelings with them, this will build trust and is a gateway to the intimacy they deeply desire.

Main love language: Quality time, Physical touch


Ruled by the planet Jupiter. Element: Fire

Sagittarius natives are the philosophers of the Zodiac, they delve into what life is truly about on a daily basis. They are often moved by their fun-loving, vivacious and cheerful inner-child which makes them fully appreciate life and visualize a big picture in everything that they do. Being too strongly optimistic sometimes, they unknowingly delude themselves and are unable to actually see certain situations as they truly are. They are innately wise and spiritual which makes them lovely companions in this life journey. If you are in love with a Sagittarius, take them to crazy adventures, travel the world and let them wander on sacred grounds.

Main love language: Quality time, Words of affirmation


Ruled by the planet Saturn. Element: Earth

Capricorn natives embody the hardworking, ‘responsible daddy’ energy of the group. They value discipline, simplicity and quality— they are possibly the most well-mannered and well-dressed in the room. Stoic, calm and composed, they make sure not to show a lot of emotions because to them this counts as a weakness and they hate it when they do not appear in control. They are devoted to their loved ones and completely attached to their family values, culture and tradition which makes them the best marriage partners. If you are in love with a Capricorn, be your own person first and have successes and achievements of your own, they value you when you value yourself.

Main love language: Gift giving, Acts of service


Ruled by the planet Saturn. Element: Air

Aquarius natives exhibit true eccentricity and originality. They are free thinkers and are the most opinionated beings of all, they refuse to be confined and seek complete liberty in every aspect of their life. The tendency to be too disillusioned by their care for humanity may unknowingly make them forget about the care and needs of their loved ones. Tactlessness may make others see them in an insensitive light. Though having the stability of mind, they give sound advice to the distraught. If you are in love with an Aquarius, give them a lot of space to be their own person and show them appreciation for the things that they do for you and others.

Main love language: Words of affirmation, Quality time


Ruled by the planet Jupiter. Element: Water

Pisces natives are the true lovers and life partners of the Zodiac. They have a rich emotional nature that make them the most deeply-connected nurturers. They are oftentimes too sensitive to touch and in dealings with incompatible people, tend to draw themselves into victim mentality. These natives are free souls, dreamy and have a fantastically active and creative imagination. They are completely open and vulnerable which makes them gentle towards others. They are not super picky with who to love— they just love. If you are in love with a Pisces, teach them practicality and validate their vulnerability as one of their strengths. Encourage them to create or get into art.

Main love language: Quality time, Words of affirmation

How did your zodiac sign reading resonate, Siloys?

(Note: File photos of Zodiac signs are from Bandera)


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The post What each zodiac sign has in store for you this love season  appeared first on Cebu Daily News.

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