Keep going

The story is told about a 4-year-old boy who was excited to go to the beach and kept asking: “Dad, are we there yet?” After so many times saying that they will be there soon, the father said: “If you ask me one more time, we will not proceed anymore.” The boy kept quiet for some time, then sheepishly asked: “Dad, excuse me. Will I still be 4 years old when we arrive at the beach?”

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In today’s Gospel (Mt. 17, 1-9), Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light. Are we becoming more like Jesus? Are we coming closer to God as we go through the discipline of Lent? May we continue to journey to God’s heart, and be open to conversion and transfiguration moments every day.

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Conversion is not a one time big time event for most of us. We are all works in progress. We are, so to speak, “not there yet.” What is important is that we keep going no matter what. Let us not worry about speed, distance, or results. God will do the rest. God’s grace will take care of our growth but we must continue to pray, ro be patient, and to persevere.

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PRAY. “Lord, it is good that we are here.” Yes, it is good to be with God in prayer. Many of us live “toxic” lives, and spend time with “toxic” people. It is prayer that makes us rise above our worldly cares and problems, and help us see the “big picture.” It is in prayer that we see where we fit in God’s master plan.

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PATIENCE. Our transfiguration journey takes time. In fact, it takes a lifetime! It is not an easy journey, with ups and downs, with delays and detours. Let us be patient and let us not be discouraged. Why? Because God does not get discouraged, and does not give up on us. One day at a time. And if we fall down seven times, let us rise up eight times.

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PERSEVERANCE. The moment we stop trying, that’s when we stop growing. Our journey toward what is true, good, and beautiful makes us true, good and beautiful. Just keep going. Remember, all our efforts to become a better person is not so much about human applause, as an effort to become a son/daughter in whom God is well pleased.

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I am glad to meet in my US trip cousins who have made good, and who have remained good, and have passed on to their children and grandchildren our family values such as prayerfulness, hard work, honesty, humility, generosity, and joy. Today, let us thank God for the gift of faith, family, and friends.

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Celebrating Masses with Filipinos in different churches in California is a transfiguration experience. It is good to know that aside from living their “American dream,” many of our kababayans continue to live the Christian faith. The warmth, the joy, and the vigor they give to the local churches is something we all applaud and appreciate.

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The transfiguration happened in Mount Tabor. Remember that we, who experience God on the mountaintop, must bring Him when we go back to our valley of tears and toil. In other words, He is with us, and we bring Him with us in mountains high, and in valleys low. Our personal transfiguration must bear fruit in mission.

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Think about this: “Do not fear for I am with you; Do not be dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous strong hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

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A Moment with the Lord:Lord, help us to keep going in our journey to Your heart. Amen.

The post Keep going appeared first on Cebu Daily News.

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