To our departed loved ones, we just wanna say…

CEBU CITY, Philippines — If only heaven has visiting hours or a hotline for us to call our departed loved ones.

If only we get to see a glimpse of the paradise they are in now and how they are enjoying the promised paradise after our earthly lives. 


It comes in waves, it comes in tears, it comes in laughters. All we need to do while handling grief is to allow ourselves to feel it, not fight it. 

READ: FACES OF CEBU: In loving memory of Pegeen Sararaña, 24, the little lady with a big heart

Today, let’s allow ourselves to express what we want to tell the people up there how we feel down here. 

We’ll be alright — they may not be here with us, but we know that they are looking over us, they want to see us move on when we are ready. To our departed loved ones, we will be okay in time. 

We miss you — not a day has gone by that we do not miss them. The void they left in our lives here will forever be felt. But let this not stop us from living our best lives. To our departed loved one, we miss everyday, we miss you dearly. 

We thank you — thank you for leaving many beautiful memories with us that we will be keeping forever. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives. To our departed loved ones, thank you! 

We’re sorry — for the times we may not spent so much time with you or during the times that things got crazy, sorry for letting you feel that you were too much for us. To our departed loved ones, sorry for all the things we’ve done that made you feel unappreciated and unloved. 

We love you   the years spent with us, will always be treasured until the end of the time, until we will be reunited again. T our departed loved ones, we love you with all our hearts. 

Sending hugs to everyone grieving a loss of a loved one. One day, days will be brighter again.


Outpouring of grief over Cebu journo’s death 

The many faces of grief


The post To our departed loved ones, we just wanna say… appeared first on Cebu Daily News.

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